People who want to grow, learn, improve, excel or perform to the best of their ability will benefit from being coached, whether they be athletes, entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, employees, instructors or even coaches! Coaching can help you transform, and become the best version of yourself, whatever that means for you. In fact, anyone in any walk of life can benefit from the changes that coaching brings about.

But the fact is, not everybody is coachable, and if you’re not, there is no point in even trying, as it will lead to frustration for both you and your coach! Being coachable means you’re open to looking at yourself and your business objectively, you’re able to take constructive criticism without being defensive, are open to doing things differently and are generally a positive, enthusiastic and achievement focused type of person. Coaching can sometimes be uncomfortable, and therefore you need to be willing and able to get outside your comfort zone to enable changes to happen.

So, are YOU Coachable?

Just for fun, to find out if YOU are coachable, have a go at answering the following 10 questions:

  1. Do you take account of other people’s views and opinions?
    a) I don’t need to – I’m generally right about everything;
    b) If it’s something I’m not sure about, I’ll listen and then make up my own mind;
    c) Yes, I’m open to looking at things in different ways and learning from others’ experiences.
  2. Are you able to cope well with change?
    a) No – I like things how they are, and change means uncertainty;
    b) I don’t like change for the sake of change, but I’m happy to adapt, if I can see the benefits in doing so;
    c) Yes – change is necessary in order to progress.
  3. Are you open to learning?
    a) Learning is for young people. I know all I need to know already;
    b) I’ll learn a new skill if it’s going to help me to progress;
    c) I’m constantly open to opportunities for learning and development.
  4. How do you react to criticism?
    a) I always try to do my best, and will defend myself if I’m attacked unjustly;
    b) Nobody likes criticism, but if it is fair, I’m willing to listen and take it on board;
    c) Getting feedback from other people is a great opportunity for learning and improvement.
  5. Do you like trying new things that take you out of your comfort zone?
    a) No – I know what I like, and I like what I know!
    b) Sometimes, although I am a bit nervous of putting myself out there!
    c) Yes – that’s how you find out what you’re really capable of!
  6. Do you have goals for the future?
    a) I’m too busy dealing with the present to think about the future!
    b) There are things I’d like to achieve, but they are dreams rather than goals;
    c) Yes – I have clear goals, and I’m working towards them.
  7. How do you feel about making mistakes?
    a) I hate making mistakes – it makes me feel like a failure. I would rather not try something than risk failing;
    b) Mistakes happen – I try to minimise them by being careful;
    c) Mistakes are a way of learning how to do things better.
  8. Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?
    a) I’m a realist – it’s hard to be optimistic when there is so much uncertainty and conflict going on in the world;
    b) I try to be positive, but find myself being influenced by what’s going on around me;
    c) I’m an optimistic and positive person – there’s no point in worrying about what you can’t change.
  9. What is stopping you being more successful?
    a) Actually, I’m happy with the level of success I have achieved;
    b) It’s hard to be successful against the backdrop of the ongoing political and economic uncertainty;
    c) The only thing stopping me being more successful is me.
  10. What is the one thing that would make your business better?
    a) A change in the external environment – Government policies, employment laws, bank lending, Brexit, etc.
    b) Being able to recruit and retain a great team of people;
    c) Becoming a more effective leader in my business.

How did you get on?

If your answers were mostly a’s

You are probably not somebody who would enjoy or benefit from coaching. To be effective, coaching requires you to be receptive to new ideas, open to constant learning and willing to get out of your comfort zone, and these are things that do not come naturally to you.

If your answers were mostly b’s

You may be a bit sceptical about coaching, but if you can open yourself up to new ideas and learning, you could definitely benefit from the changes that coaching can bring to your business, yourself personally and your relationships with others.

If your answers were mostly c’s

You are somebody who would be our ideal client, and in fact, you’re probably already working with a coach in some capacity! You are open to new ideas and experiences, strive for constant growth and improvement, and take responsibility for your own success. Go you!

Coaching is for winners

Some people may feel that if they want coaching, they will be perceived as no being good enough, or failing in some way.  However, coaching is not about “fixing losers” but is about “helping winners.” After all, most top sports people have coaches, and you can’t accuse them of being losers!

Being coached doesn’t mean that you’re not a capable person and don’t have an opinion of your own. It means you’re willing to learn something that might help you improve a skill or part of your life you want to improve, and you understand that you can benefit from the experience, wisdom, skills and knowledge that other people have gained on their journey.

Being coachable means you’re leaving room for the possibility that there’s something you haven’t learned yet that could make you even better. So why not be open to that possibility? And if you want to improve your performance, in whatever area of your life, take ACTION and get a coach!